River Ridge offers consulting services to assist with your staffing issues and concerns, contact us for additional details. 
Three Day Boot Camp For Your Staff - Front Desk Skills  
Scheduling Appointments, Insurance, Billings, Treatment Coordinating
Call or Email For Further Details  Email: info@rrdentalagency.ca

Placements - Agreement For the Employer
Thank you for registering with River Ridge. Please fill out the following form in full. Please bear in mind River Ridge's goal is to find the best suitable candidate for your office. The more information we can gather the better the search. Please note that all information given to River Ridge is kept confidential unless verbally permitted. Information i.e. position, experience, city and days/hours can be hosted on the web site at no cost to you to ensure job position is reaching as many candidates as possible. There is no fee to register with River Ridge. Fees are only due when the position has been filled. A 30- day guarantee is in effect from the first day worked and a $55.00 per day Fee is charged to the Dentist by River Ridge if the candidate works for less than 30 Days. $25.00 Cancellation Fee for Any Cancellations Up to 3 Weeks Prior to Booking.
Agreement (PLEASE READ. Applies to last line on form before submitting)
The dentist or related payor entity (the "Dentist") agrees to pay River Ridge if a candidate  sent directly by River Ridge is subsequently hired or contracted for  a permanent or temporary position within 12 months of initial introduction.
Company Name:*
Employer Name:*
Contact Name:*
Position within company:
Main Intersection:
Postal Code:*
Phone Number:*
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Position Need:
Temporary - Start Date:
Temporary - End Date:
Permanent - Start Date:
Maternity Leave - Start Date:
Matery Leave - End Date:
Minimum Experience Needed:
Dental Computer Program:
Reference Check:
Interview Scheduling Needed:
Employee/Self Employed:
Experience With:

AGREEMENT: Please Digital Sign Here (eg. company name):*
 River Ridge guarantees the permanent placement of a candidate for 30 days from the first day worked. Any position lasting less than the guarantee 30 days will be considered temporary and a small temporary fee of $55.00 will be charged by River Ridge for each day worked. The difference between the total temporary fee and the permanent fee charged, if any,  will be refunded to Dentist. Please note River Ridge is not responsible for the actions of the candidate sent to the Dentist's practice.
 The establishment of an employment or independent contractor relationship between the candidate and the Dentist, along with the related tax and payroll implications, is a matter to be determined by and between those parties exclusively, and NOT by River Ridge.

 By clicking on "SUBMIT" above, the Dentist acknowledges and accepts this Agreement with River Ridge and agrees to be bound by all of its terms and conditions.

River Ridge Professionals
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